Karbala, Iraq  -  April 15, 2003


Ayatollah Al-Qazwini returns to his hometown of Karbala


     After nearly 33 years from being in exile from Iraq, Ayatollah Al-Qazwini returned to his hometown of Karbala, in which he visited Imam Al-Hussein in his shrine. Then he took the pulpit as he delivered a powerful speech in the spiritual and devout atmosphere in the shrine of Imam Hussein in front thousands of pious visitors of the holy Imam. As he started his speech, the hearts turned toward the sacred shrine of the Imam and the gloomy tragedy that overtook on the land of the battle in the land of Karbala.

     Ayatollah Al-Qazwini was among the old pioneers and scholars of Karbala before the rule of the corrupt Ba'ath party. His efforts and endeavors in Iraq were known all over Iraq as he established and administered schools, associations and other establishments.  Ayatollah Al-Qazwini will attempt by the will of Allah to retrieve and reclaim all his efforts of serving Allah in every way he can. He is leading the prayers and delivering speeches for the spring in Karbala and he will Insha'allah establish more associations, orphanages, and schools.


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